Racer card


Race: Expedition Oregon 2024
Track: ARWS
Category: ARWS
Order: 3
Moving time: 56 h 49 min
Standing time: 30 h 53 min

Racer times

Checkpoint Order Real time Split time
Start - Su, 17:30:00 -
CP1 - Virtual CP
CP2 - Power line tower 4 Su, 19:06:30 01:36:30
CP3 - Junction 2 Su, 19:27:30 00:21:00
CP4 - Junction
CP5 - Junction 3 Su, 23:28:15 04:00:45
CP6 - Under bridge 4 Mo, 02:35:45 03:07:30
TA1 - Bike to Packraft 4 Mo, 03:26:23 00:50:38
CP7 - Shore 4 Mo, 04:46:25 01:20:02
CP8 - Boat Lunch Area 4 Mo, 05:55:45 01:09:20
CP9 - Small Boat Ramp 2 Mo, 07:26:37 01:30:52
CP9A - Raft to Bike 2 Mo, 07:26:37 00:00:00
CP10 - Parking lot 4 Mo, 08:15:20 00:48:43
O7 - Rocky viewpoint 5 Mo, 08:26:20 00:11:00
O5 - Ledge above path 5 Mo, 08:46:21 00:20:01
O4 - Trail barrier 5 Mo, 08:26:20 23:39:59
O6 - Under boulder 5 Mo, 08:46:21 00:20:01
O1/2 - Climb site 5 Mo, 08:26:20 23:39:59
O3 - Trail Barrier 5 Mo, 08:46:21 00:20:01
CP10 - Parking lot 4 Mo, 09:07:20 00:20:59
CP11 - Info sign 4 Mo, 10:00:00 00:52:40
CP12 - Up tree 4 Mo, 10:22:00 00:22:00
CP13 - Old barn 4 Mo, 10:30:00 00:08:00
O11 - Between reentrants 5 Mo, 12:39:39 02:09:39
O10 - Hand dug well 5 Mo, 12:25:45 23:46:06
O9 - Power pole 5 Mo, 12:59:35 00:33:50
O8 - Highpoint 6 Mo, 12:55:45 23:56:10
O12 - Ridge between drainages 3 Mo, 11:39:37 22:43:52
O18 - Tank 3 Mo, 11:59:36 00:19:59
O17 - Boulder hole 2 Mo, 09:35:45 21:36:09
O16 - NE Corner 4 Mo, 13:25:45 03:50:00
O15 - Rock below confluence 1 Mo, 10:55:45 21:30:00
O14 - Bush below boulder 1 Mo, 11:05:45 00:10:00
O13 - Old tank 1 Mo, 11:15:45 00:10:00
CP13 - Old Barn 5 Mo, 13:00:00 01:44:15
CP14 - in culvert 4 Mo, 14:39:37 01:39:37
CP20 - Tree above confluence 2 Mo, 22:26:00 07:46:23
CP15 - Sign 4 Mo, 15:59:36 17:33:36
TA2 - Bike to Packraft 4 Mo, 16:59:42 01:00:06
CP16 - Local Top 4 Mo, 18:19:39 01:19:57
CP17 - W edge dry pond 4 Mo, 20:02:28 01:42:49
CP18 - Bas of makeshift treestand 4 Mo, 20:42:44 00:40:16
CP19 - Buckets 4 Mo, 21:22:32 00:39:48
Waypoint 4 Mo, 23:16:00 01:53:28
CP21 - Power pole 4 Tu, 00:02:31 00:46:31
CP22 - cairn ar viewpoint 4 Tu, 00:02:31 00:00:00
CP23 - confluence 4 Tu, 00:46:00 00:43:29
CP24 - Overlook near top 4 Tu, 01:42:29 00:56:29
CP25 - Campsite 2 Tu, 01:56:00 00:13:31
CP26 - Campsite/boat ramp 1 Tu, 01:56:00 00:00:00
CP27 - Top of rocks 2 Tu, 09:16:15 07:20:15
TA3 - Packraft to Bike 6 Tu, 09:56:15 00:40:00
CP28 - Ice caves (see roadbook) 4 Tu, 15:06:15 05:10:00
CP29 - Small lava cave 4 Tu, 16:17:00 01:10:45
TA4 - Bike to Orienteering 4 Tu, 17:07:00 00:50:00
O34 - Big tree in lava field 2 Tu, 19:07:00 02:00:00
O35 - Seasonal pond 1 Tu, 19:47:00 00:40:00
O37 - Ridge top 2 Tu, 21:07:45 01:20:45
O38 - Top 3 Tu, 22:07:45 01:00:00
O36 - Ridge near end of road 3 Tu, 23:27:45 01:20:00
O33 - Geocache 3 We, 02:07:45 02:40:00
O32 - Local high point 3 We, 05:37:45 03:30:00
O31 - Survival shelter 5 We, 07:17:45 01:40:00
O3O - Bottom main creek bed 5 We, 07:27:45 00:10:00
O19 - S edge of clearing 3 We, 08:37:45 01:10:00
O20 - Pond with water
O21 - Power pole
O22 - Seasonal Island
O23 - S edge seasonal pond 5 We, 11:21:34 02:43:49
O25 - Base of falls 3 We, 12:41:40 01:20:06
O24 - Peninsula 4 We, 14:01:35 01:19:55
O27 - bend in creek 5 We, 14:41:33 00:39:58
O28 - Top of seasonal falls 5 We, 15:21:45 00:40:12
O29 - Between seasonal ponds
O26 - Tree 6 We, 16:01:42 00:39:57
TA5 - Orienteering to Bike 4 Tu, 17:07:00 01:05:18
CP30 - East side of river 1 Tu, 19:47:00 02:40:00
CP31 - Log across creek bed
CP32 - Climb site 4 We, 18:21:35 22:34:35
CP33 - Ridge 4 We, 18:41:36 00:20:01
CP34 - Sign at Trailhead
CP35 - Benchmark survey marker 3 We, 21:21:50 02:40:14
TA6 - Bike to Raft 4 Th, 01:13:30 03:51:40
TA7 - Raft to Packraft 3 Th, 07:23:30 06:10:00
CP36 - Safety takeout 3 Th, 08:24:30 01:01:00
Finish 3 Th, 09:12:00 00:47:30
Overall results

Personal data

Name: Team KUMHO
Nationality: nz
Bio: Milan, the team captain, has about 15+years of adventure racing experience. Racing in New Zealand, China, and Europe in Chimpanzee Bar team. After little bit of a break he returned to racing and together with Alex they started team KUMHO. After few years looking for best team members they have been joined by Jamie and Zoe. Jamie is an experienced navigator. Zoe is the youngest teammate, has triathlon background and joined the team about a year ago.